6 Superfoods and nothing else
No grains, fillers, or empty calories
Slow-releasing carbs for steady energy & blood sugar levels
Reduces blood pressure and inflammation.
Full of antioxidants Selenium & Beta-carotene to protect cells.
Rich in Magnesium & Manganese - 2 building blocks for strong bones & collagen production
Minerals vital for muscle growth & recovery
Zinc for a robust immune system
Iron to boost energy production
Magnesium for exercise endurance
Seed richest in omega-3 fatty acids
High Vitamin E & phenolic acids to protect from cell damage
Hemp contains the ideal 3:1 ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 - stronger and cleaner than fish oil supplements!
25% of daily fiber
Omega-3 fatty acids
Phosphorus - bone health and tissue maintenance
Polyphenols to absorbs free radical damage
Easy on the gut + low in phytates (anti-nutrients)
Vitamin K & B6 for healthy bones + blood
Anti-aging properties
The ‘Queen Bee’ bean in the world of Ayurveda medicine
A potato-like root vegetable native to the tropics and South America. It’s a ‘resistant starch’ - a type of carbohydrate that doesn't get digested in the small intestine but passes through to the large intestine where it’s fermented by gut bacteria, acting as a prebiotic. It mimics the properties of soluble fiber, improving blooding sugar control. It also gives our puff a unique airy texture.
Why Go Against The Grain?
Our superfood protein blend is naturally cleaner & stronger than naughty ingredients found in big box brands (dairy, whey, soy, & grains). It’s a win-win. A no-brainer.
Soy is a wild card. Because of its estrogenic properties, its effects on your body totally depend on your unique level of hormones.
90% of soy protein is genetically modified (GMO) or chemically engineered, and because of that, its stripped of almost all of its of micronutrients & fiber.
With so many more nutritionally potent raw, organic legumes to choose from, unless you’re stranded on an island, we’d say there’s no reason to ever resort to soy.
There are lots of reasons we kept dairy & whey on the sidelines.
Whey & dairy are highly acidic & throw off your body’s pH balance (this means acne, dry or oily skin & dehydration)
They’re notorious for being gassy hormone disruptors & killers of good gut bacteria.
Processed with hormones & antibiotics 🤢
New studies show 82% of the amino acids in whey aren’t used by our body to make new protein, so they’re converted to sugar or body fat.
Grains top the charts of pesticides, toxins, allergy-prone ingredients & are highly inflammatory.
They’re super starchy (high-glycemic), high in carbs & contain barely any protein or nutrients, that crush your body’s pH levels making it more acidic.
Grains are good for fattening cattle. But using these cheap commodities that spike your blood sugar & hurt your gut? We would never.
Top 9 Allergen Free
Nutrient Dense
Naturally high in hard-to-get vitamins and minerals






Low Glycemic
No starches or added sugars that spike blood sugar.
Naturally high in fiber for healthy digestion and insulin response.
Complete Protein
High protein-to-carb ratio - that means the biggest bang for our buck for every calorie consumed.
An optimally balanced amino acid profile.